Ansible Vault

While writing the blog post about homelab server patching with Ansible, I figured there is a need for setup instructions of ansible-vault. So, here’s a quick guide on setting up and using Ansible Vault to secure sensitive data, like become passwords, for use in playbooks. Obviously, Ansible needs to be installed for this.

Step 1: Create a vault password file

To streamline running the playbook without being prompted for a vault password every time:

  1. Create a vault password file:
ansible-vault create vaulted_vars.yaml
  1. Put in your environment variables:

First, open up the vault file:

ansible-vault edit vaulted_vars.yaml

Then, add your secrets:

host_become_pass: password

Step 2: Reference the variable in the inventory file:

host1 ansible_host=
host2 ansible_host=

ansible_become_pass='{{ hostgroup_become_pass }}'

Step 3: Use the vault password file when running playbooks

Run your Ansible playbook, referencing the vault password file with the --vault-password-file option:

ansible-playbook -i inventory.yaml -l host1 playbook.yaml --ask-vault-pass -e@vaulted_vars.yaml

This setup ensures your sensitive credentials, like become passwords, remain encrypted and secure when using Ansible.