Monitoring Setup using Kuma and Telegram Notifications

This is a detailed guide on setting up Uptime Kuma using Docker and configuring a Telegram bot to receive notifications when monitored URLs go down or have issues.

Setup time: 15 minutes (assuming prerequisites are met)

Uptime Kuma is an open-source monitoring tool for tracking uptime and receiving notifications when websites, APIs, or other services go offline. Paired with a Telegram bot, you can receive instant notifications on your phone or desktop. I have tried multiple monitoring tools for my homelab and this one seems to be the easiest one to set up and maintain for my use case.


  • A Linux instance that can run Docker
  • Docker and Docker Compose (compose will make deployments with Docker very easy).
  • A Telegram account to set up notifications.

Step 1: Set Up Uptime Kuma in Docker

  1. Create a Directory for Uptime Kuma Start by creating a dedicated directory to store Uptime Kuma’s Docker configuration and persistent data. I use my home directory.

    mkdir uptime-kuma && cd uptime-kuma
  2. Create a Docker Compose File Inside this directory, create a docker-compose.yml file. Please note: this is a very basic setup of this app. If you need more customization, I recommend browsing the official docs.

    version: "3"
          image: louislam/uptime-kuma:1
             - ./data:/app/data
             - 3001:3001
          restart: unless-stopped
  3. Start Uptime Kuma: Run the Docker container:

    docker-compose up -d

    Or, if you’re not using Docker Compose:

    docker run -d --restart=always -p 3001:3001 -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data --name uptime-kuma louislam/uptime-kuma:1
  4. Access the Uptime Kuma Dashboard: Open a web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3001 (or the server IP if remote). You’ll be prompted to create an account. Complete the account setup, and you’re ready to start adding monitors.

Step 2: Configure Monitoring in Uptime Kuma

  1. Add a Monitor:
    • Click on the Add New Monitor button.
    • Choose the monitor type (HTTP(s) for URLs).
    • Enter the URL, name, and other optional parameters such as check intervals. In this example I am going to use
    • Click Save to start monitoring.

Step 3: Set Up a Telegram Bot for Notifications

To receive notifications through Telegram, create a bot with BotFather (Telegram’s official bot management tool).

  1. Create the Telegram Bot:

    • Open Telegram and search for BotFather.
    • Type /start to begin, then /newbot to create a new bot.
    • Follow BotFather’s instructions:
      • Enter a name for your bot.
      • Enter a username for your bot, ending in bot (e.g., MyMonitorBot).
    • BotFather will respond with a token. Save this token for later; it’s needed to integrate with Uptime Kuma.
  2. Get Your Chat ID:

    • Open a conversation with your new bot and send a message (any message).
    • Open your browser and navigate to:<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates
      (Replace <YOUR_BOT_TOKEN> with your actual bot token from BotFather.)
    • Find the "chat" section in the JSON response. The id value in "chat": {"id":123456789, ...} is your chat ID. Note this down.

Step 4: Integrate Telegram with Uptime Kuma

  1. Add a Telegram Notification in Uptime Kuma:

    • Go back to your Uptime Kuma dashboard.
    • Navigate to Settings > Notification.
    • Click Add New Notification and choose Telegram as the notification type.
  2. Configure the Telegram Notification:

    • Bot Token: Enter the token you received from BotFather.
    • Chat ID: Enter the chat ID you retrieved from the API response.
    • Set up other options if needed, like custom messages for specific monitors.
    • Save
  3. Test the Notification:

    • Click Send Test to ensure the configuration works. You should receive a test message from your bot in Telegram.

Step 5: Customize Notification Settings in Uptime Kuma

  • Per-Monitor Notifications: You can enable or disable Telegram notifications on a per-monitor basis by editing each monitor.
  • Custom Alerts: Set up custom messages or specify notification intervals to avoid getting too many messages if a service is frequently up and down.

Final Check

  1. Confirm that Uptime Kuma is actively monitoring your specified URLs or services. Optional: Take down the monitored service or use a test deployment that can be taken down.
  2. Verify that you receive a notification on Telegram when the service goes offline.

Uptime Kuma and Telegram together make it easy to monitor services and get real-time notifications.

Enjoy your new setup, and happy monitoring!